divided back postcard (1907 - 1915)

The backs of card produced after 1907 had a line splitting the message from the address. Most of these cards were printed in Germany and were a superior quality to those printed in the U.S.

Racine Harbor WI postcard

Ram Island Ledge - Postcard

Ram Island Ledge ME postcard

Ram Island Ledge ME postcard

Ram Island Ledge ME postcard postmarked 1908

Ram Island Ledge ME postcard postmarked 1913

Ram Island Ledge ME postcard postmarked 1914

Ram Island Ledge postcard

Ram Island ME postcard

Rock Harbor MI postcard

Rock Harbor MI postcard

Rockland Breakwater ME postcard

Rockland Breakwater ME postcard

Rockland Breakwater ME postcard

Rockland Lake NY postcard

Rondout NY postcard postmarked 1909

Sabins Point RI postcard

Sabins Point RI postcard

Sabins Point RI postcard

Saddleback Ledge ME postcard

San Pedro CA postcard

Sand Island AL postcard

Sand Island AL postcard

Sand Island WI postcard

Sand Island WI postcard

Sankaty MA 1907-1914 HEC (02)

Sankaty MA postcard

Sankaty MA postcard

Sankaty Ma postcard postmarked 1912

Santa Barbara CA postcard