
This is a database view of only items that are designated "objects". You can apply filters here related to objects. It does not use the search index tool, but rather queries the content fields directly and may give different results from the Search page.

Fresnel Lens: White Shoal, MI, 2, FL/W

Fresnel Lens: Duluth Harbor North Pier, MN, 5, F/R

Fresnel Lens: Duluth Harbor South Breakwater Inner, MN, 5, FL

Fresnel Lens: Duluth Harbor South Breakwater Outer, MN, 4, F/G

Fresnel Lens: Grand Marais, MN, 5, F

Fresnel Lens: Two Harbors, MN, 4, FL

Fresnel Lens: Biloxi, MS, 5, F

Fresnel Lens: Round Island, MS, 4, F

Fresnel Lens: Ship Island, MS, 4, F

Fresnel Lens: Bodie Island, NC, 1, F/W

Fresnel Lens: Cape Fear, NC, 1 Part, FL

Fresnel Lens: Cape Hatteras, NC, 1, FL/W

Fresnel Lens: Currituck Beach, NC, 1, F/FL/W

Fresnel Lens: Gull Shoal, NC, 6, F

Fresnel Lens: Ocracoke Island, NC, 4, F

Fresnel Lens: Roanoke River, NC, 4, F

Fresnel Lens: Wright Brothers National Memorial, NC, 4?, FL

Fresnel Lens: Portsmouth Harbor, NH, 4, F/G

Fresnel Lens: Absecon NJ 1, F

Fresnel Lens: Barnegat, NJ, 1, FL/W

Fresnel Lens: Brandywine Shoal, NJ, 3, F

Fresnel Lens: Cape May, NJ, 1, FL/W

Fresnel Lens: Chapel Hill Rear Range, NJ, 4, F/W

Fresnel Lens: Finns Point Rear Range, NJ, 4, F

Fresnel Lens: Hereford Inlet, NJ, 4, FL

Fresnel Lens: Miah Maull Shoal, NJ, 4, FL

Fresnel Lens: Navesink North Tower, NJ, 2, FL

Fresnel Lens: Sandy Hook, NJ, 3, F

Fresnel Lens: Ship John Shoal, NJ, 4, F

Fresnel Lens: Statue of Liberty, NY, 5, F