Year Established:
Point Lookout MD 26-LG-24-8.jpg (2.69 MB)
File Type:
jpg (image/jpeg)
Photo Credit:
RG 26-Lg-24-8
Collection / Donor:
U.S. State:
United States
Depot Type:
Buoy Storage
Entered by:
Entered Date:
Feb 27, 2018
Depot survives and is next to the Point Lookout Lighthouse.
Point Lookout Light Station also became a buoy depot in 1883. Extant structures from the depot include a former coal shed (1884) and buoy repair shed (1883), remnants of the wharf piles and ghosts in the concrete shore apron of the former rail delivery system. The two sheds were built nearly identical and are located just south of the integral dwelling/tower structure. The north shed was used for buoy repairs and the south shed for coal storage for the buoy tenders. Both sheds were originally open-sided until at least July of 1885. Later, the sides on the east ends and on the sides facing away from each other were closed in, creating a semi-protected working area between the two sheds. These sheds were later completely closed in and the coal shed severely altered into living quarters. The buoy shed at Point Lookout Light Station is remarkably little changed from as originally built, containing a major percentage of original fabric. This structure warrants preservation.