
This is a database view of only items that are designated places. You can apply filters here related to places. It does not use the search index tool, but rather queries the content fields directly and may give different results from the Search page.

For an exact match it's faster to wrap the term inside quote marks: "Milwaukee Harbor" will get just that result, rather than all harbors.

Displaying 361 - 390 of 2052

Chicago Pierhead Range Front

Chicago Pierhead Range Rear

Chicago River

Chincoteague Bay

Chincoteague Depot

Choctaw Point

Choctaw Point Depot

Choctawhatchee East Pass Rear

Choptank River

Choptank River (Lightship Station)

Choptank River (Replica)


Christiana Depot

Christiana North Jetty

Christiana South Jetty

Clark's Point

Clarks Point

Clay Island

Cleveland East Breakwater

Cleveland East Entrance

Cleveland East Pierhead Beacon

Cleveland Harbor Main Entrance


Cleveland Main